All You Need to Know About Wearing Disposable Masks
By now, a mask has become part of many people's daily routine. Grab your phone, grab your keys, grab your mask. And although some of us opt for a c... -
8 Tips For Exercising With a Mask
It's spring again, and the challenges in exercising with a mask from last spring are still with us. Gyms have opened and changed their business mod... -
Why Face Shields Aren’t as Effective as Face Masks
Since the start, the CDC's stand has been clear: Masks are the best protection against COVID-19. Plastic shields have appeared on the scene as a mo... -
Your Guide On When To Use a Mask
There's a vaccine out there now. Do we still have to mask up? With good progress in the fight against COVID-19, caution prevails. Masks are necessa... -
Why Bandanas Aren’t As Effective As Masks Against COVID-19
By mandates and medical expert advice, people worldwide are covering their faces to help prevent coronavirus from spreading. They include the homem... -
4 Ideas To Make It Easier To Wear A Mask
Around the world, wearing a mask has become an everyday thing. The coronavirus pandemic has made it highly advisable to wear one in public spaces. ... -
How to Prevent Glasses from Fogging Up While Wearing a Mask
Glasses wearers have encountered a challenge in COVID-19 mask-mandated age: How to keep spectacles from fogging up when they breathe. Glasses and m... -
3 Ideas For Wearing A Mask With A Beard
Everyday life all over the world has been turned upside down. The coronavirus pandemic has forced a new way of living for people everywhere. One of... -
USA News Release
United Sewing Automation Opens American Made Facemask Manufacturing Facility in North Carolina
The new state-of-the-art facility can produce 1,000,000 disposable surgical grade facemasks per week to help meet PPE demand
Protect Against Transmission with a Surgical Mask
Not all masks are created equal! In this ever changing world of guidelines and mandates, the effectiveness of surgical and medical-grade face masks... -
4 Ways Masks Slow the Spread of COVID-19
As states lifted stay-at-home orders, numbers of those infected with COVID-19 continued to rise. As a result, many communities began requiring face... -
Why American-Made Face Masks are Best
Buying American is a rare idea that all Americans, of any political affiliation, tend to agree on. Buying American-made face masks during a global ...